Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Start

I have always been some what of a crafty person, but I think this year at Christmas (2010) is when I really started in on my Crafty pull.
Being a new stay at home wife I thought that I had enough free time to make my own Christmas cards. At first I wasn't really sure on how to go about making them, so I started out by looking at envelopes. I found the right size that I wanted to send to people. I then went to the craft section at our local Walmart, and looked at the scrapbooking things. There is SO many kinds of scrapbooking paper! Were to start!? I picked a kit, that had all different kinds of paper in different colors.
So I got home and this is what I turned out!
I wanted to Send cards that showed what Christmas was about!

This one Says "Glory To God"

I was pretty happy about how these one's turned out!

As my first crafting adviture I am really happy about how they turned out. These are just some of them that I had made. We will see how this Christmas goes, we will just have had our son and im not sure if I will get enough free time to make more Christmas cards. But we are very excited to me our son in November!


  1. those are so cute! I love them. great job

  2. THANKS :) hope to get some done this year too! we will see lol
